Contact the Retail and Leisure customer servicing team for help.
Telephone: 0345 835 1245
Email: Email the Retail and Leisure servicing team
Service hours are Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pm.
For safety and security our team will check your identity whenever you phone us with a request.
Get in touch with us for queries about the following topics:
- Account maintenance and closing
- Additional account opening
- Bacs recalls
- Bank references
- Branch enquiries, encashment and open credits
- Cash and coin
- Changes to account details
- Charges, fees and interest enquiries
- Chequebook and paying-in books
- Client money letters
- Currency orders
- Exchange rate enquiries
- Inter account transfers
- Interest and balance certificates
- Mandates
- Payment queries – Domestic and international
- Standing orders and Direct debits
- Statement enquiries and requests
- Stopped cheques