- Log in to your mobile app
- Tap ‘Payments’ on the bottom of the home screen
- Make sure the account shown is set to the account where you want to make a payment from. You can swipe to change accounts or tap 'Change account'
- Tap 'Send money'
- Tap 'Make a payment'
- Choose who you want to pay from your list of saved payees. If you’re paying someone for the first time, select 'Pay someone new (opens in a new window)' and follow the instructions on the screen.
- Enter the amount you want to pay, add a payment reference and choose whether you want to make to payment now or schedule it for a later date.
- Check and confirm that the payment details are correct and then tap 'Make payment'.
If you need to print or download a record of this payment, simply tap 'View receipt' and follow the instructions on the screen.
Limits and timescales
To make a payment from the mobile app for more than £750, you'll need to have made at least one payment to that payee using Digital Banking. A daily limit of £20,000.00 applies when sending money to your saved payees for Personal customers and a daily limit of £50,000.00 will apply for Premier customers, unless you change your existing reference.
Once a payment has been sent the payee's account should be credited instantly, however it can take up to 2 hours.
Keeping your payments safe
For added security you may be asked to authorise this payment. If this happens you will see the 'Authentication required' screen. Just tap 'Next'. Then re-enter your mobile app's log in details, to re-confirm it's you.