In this section you must provide the details of the authorising signatories as required by your mandate.
You will be asked to confirm your name and email from the previous section.
If you are a Limited Company, Limited Liability Partnership, or Charitable Incorporated Organisation: if in the previous section you advised that you (the authorising signatory who is filling out the form) are not also the Chairperson of the business, you will be asked to provide the Chairperson’s details (title, date of birth, address, mobile number, business email address).
Now you will be asked to input the details of any other authorising signatories as required by your mandate. The information required per signatory is the same as in the previous sections. To add another authorising signatory click on “add another signatory”.
You must ensure you add all authorising signatories required by your mandate or the application will be declined for your security. The details provided in the application form must match those we have in our records.