If you have online banking and a card-reader, you can follow 'how do I make an international payment using digital banking?' The limit is £20,000 per day.
You can also make payments via Bankline if you are a registered user. There are 3 types of fee options available for international payments, however some fee options are not available on certain payments to certain countries:
- You only pay our fee. The foreign bank may also charge the payee a handling fee.
- You pay all fees. You'll pay our fee, and pay an amount* to cover any foreign bank handling fees.
- The payee pays all fees. Our fee will be deducted from the amount the payee will receive. The foreign bank may also charge the payee a handling fee.
* Foreign bank handling fees vary, depending on which foreign bank the money is being sent to.
Please note that ‘you pay all fees' does not prevent overseas banks from deducting fees from the amount the payee receives.
For fees on receiving an electronic international transfer see our international payments page.(opens in a new window)
The details below outline what you will be charged for sending international payments. The charge is the same for across branch, telephony (Private only), online and mobile banking.
If the payment is being sent in a currency which is classed as an exotic currency then the payment will take 3 days.
The different payment methods are:
For more help you can contact Royal Bank of Scotland Direct Banking on 03457 24 24 24 (England accounts 0345 900 0400 and Wales accounts 0345 900 0300).