Business builder

How to protect your business against risk

As a business owner, you deal with risks every day, even if you don’t always realise it. That’s why it’s vital to have a bespoke risk-management strategy in place.

Photo of a suited person pulling out a block from a Jenga tower

Be informed: why risk management matters

Not many entrepreneurs start in business to be risk managers, but the events of the last few years have highlighted just how important it is to prepare for disruption.

Watch our video to learn about potential risks, how to put a plan in place to handle them and the benefits of good business continuity.

Be inspired: create a risk management strategy

Look out for our film with Rob Williams, director at Hawthorn International, who shares his expertise and insight on risk strategy and business continuity plans.

Hawthorn International’s position as part of a global supply chain means it's had to deal with a range of risks in the last couple of years. Rob will explain how he manages it. 

Be successful: make your business more resilient

From Covid-19 to the supply chain crisis, preparation rather than reaction is the best way to stay strong and resilient in the coming months and years.

Use our Business Builder checklist (below) to help you get started on a plan.

Further reading

For more insights on risk management, visit Royal Bank of Scotland Business Hub.

Download our checklist

Business Builder checklist: how to make your business more resilient (PDF 79kB)

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