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Fraud awareness webinars
Join our insightful free sessions where our fraud experts explain how to spot and avoid common threats and scams. You’ll discover how to protect your business from the latest tricks, and we’ll use real-life examples to show you how to best avoid becoming a victim. There’s plenty of practical proactive advice to share with your colleagues too.
Fight fraud with us
Sign up to our free fraud e-learning course (hosted by Tessello) to find out more about the common types of fraud that affect businesses – plus tips on how to spot them. In a pick and mix format, you can do it all at once, or dip into it when you have a spare 5 mins. As you complete the modules you’ll also build up a personalised action plan to help you beat fraud.
Common approaches
Making payments
Be vigilant. Check and challenge
This video has been created to give you some advice and guidance to help reduce the risk of scam and fraud attempts by detailing ways that you can verify new payee details.