For Trusts:
- New mandate - the mandate request must be signed by an existing trustee named on the Trust Deed / Deed of Appointment / Amendment to the Trust Deed.
- Amendments to a mandate - the form must be signed by an existing trustee named on the Trust Deed / Deed of Appointment / Amendment to the Trust Deed. This person must be an Authorised Signatory on the account.
The Deed (s) can be uploaded within the Mandate request form.
For Unincorporated Charity/ Club/ Society/ Community Organisation:
- New mandate – the mandate request must be signed by two poeple authorised to sign on behalf of the Business/ Organisaion. A copy of the minutes of the meeting giving authority to the mandate request and authorising the Authorised Signatories to sign the mandate are required. These can be uploaded within the Mandate request form.
- Amendments to a mandate - the mandate request must be signed by two people authorised to sign on behalf of the Business/Organisation.
Both people signing must be existing Authorised Signatories on the account.
However, where only one existing Authorised Signatory remains, they must sign along with a new Authorised Signatory and a signed copy of the minutes of the meeting giving authority to the new Authorised Signatory must be provided.
If there are no longer any existing Authorised Signatories remaining, two new Authorised Signatories must sign.
The minutes to the meeting can uploaded within the Mandate request form.
If you aren’t sure who can sign on the account, please call our dedicated support team to confirm the best way to authorise the request.
We may need to request additional identification documents from new signatories to make sure we’re dealing with the right person and to meet our regulatory requirements. This will be done via email by our security partner Mitek. Find out more about Mitek.