Available to business customers on selected iOS and Android devices with a UK or international mobile number in selected countries.

Cashflow at a glance
Stay up-to-date with your finances with the Money In / Money Out graph – a snapshot of the total amount of money moving in and out of your account each month.
The Categories section automatically categorises your business transactions to help you get a better idea of where your income is coming from, and where you are spending the most.
Want to move things around? You can re-categorise your transactions at any time.

Highlights shows personalised trends and insights based on your business transactions, so you can see at a glance when your income or spending changes compared to previous months. It also celebrates your savings successes, and even gives you monthly summaries of your top income and spending categories.

Get your business in shape
Grow your business, cut costs, and save time managing the boring bits. The Explore section brings together data, advice and support to help you with:
- Tax and cashflow: Tools and guidance for managing your business.
- Be prepared: Find ways to manage risk and deal with change.
- Plan for growth. Ways to grow your business.
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