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Follow our safety tips.
Take a look at how you can protect yourself and your money from crime and stay one step ahead of the scammers.
- Double check any emails sent to you are genuine
- Be aware of emails or texts asking you to share your PIN and never disclose your PIN to anyone
- Never click links or attachments in suspicious emails or texts
- Check the details the email or text is being sent from. Are they the same ones the company always use?
- Only approve payments you recognise and have made
- Look out for prompts like `Verify your account or password` or `Update security details`
- If you think the email or text is fake send them to- email phishing@rbs.co.uk or text 88355.
- If you think someone is trying to trick you to hand money over call us on 159
Other frequently asked questions
... and it's better for the environment
Our new debit cards are made from either 86% recycled materials or 100% recycled materials depending which card you have. These have been introduced across our Group saving around 190 tC02e in 2022 (tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent).
And that's not all, as we are aiming to make all our operations climate positive by 2025.
Visit our Climate Change Hub to learn more about our approach to climate change and how we could help you with sustainable choices.
Terms and Conditions
OK. That’s it about cards. We’re making some changes to your current account terms and conditions. You can see the full details in the PDF below.