
Financial Health Check

What's a Financial Health Check?

Get your finances in good shape, discover helpful hints and tips for everyday spending or focus on something specific for the future.

  • Checking in on your money regularly beyond balance and statement will help you stay financially fit.
  • Explore the priority areas below – from home ownership to planning for the future, a Financial Health Check can kickstart some good money habits that could last a lifetime.

Video Banking appointments are provided through Zoom. Learn more about Video Banking.

What are your priorities?

You tell us what your priorities are and we'll share helpful tips and tools. Start making an impact on your financial future, now.

Looking to speak to one of our experts?

Our team are on hand to help you manage your finances. Simply click on the button to below to book your free Financial Health Check.

Before booking, please take time to review the important information noted below

How Video Banking works

  • All you need is a device that has a camera or webcam and connection to the internet (e.g. via Wi-Fi or 5G/4G/3G data).
  • Video Banking appointments are provided through Zoom. Zoom uses your device's internet connection (5G/4G/3G or Wi-Fi, as available). If you have exceeded your data limit or are not connected to a free Wi-Fi network, your provider may charge you.
  • Learn more about Video Banking.

Before booking, please note

Royal Bank of Scotland collect your name, email, postcode and mobile number to help identify you ahead of your appointment. 

The information captured is deleted up to 90 days after the appointment has taken place.

No bank records are updated as a result.

Our full Privacy Notice is available below.

The video appointment will contain personal data, including your image, and will be recorded for training and monitoring purposes.

Personal data, including your image, will be kept for 6 years. 

By consenting to this notice you agree that this recording will be stored with  on behalf of Royal Bank of Scotland. 

Important information

Please take some time to review, print and/or save the important information. By clicking that you’re ready to continue, you are confirming that you have been provided with, and have acknowledged our important documents.

Common questions about Financial Health Checks