Your Digital Financial Health Check

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Let's get to know each other

Let us know your first name so we can personalise your report.

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Please enter your first name
Please enter a valid email address
How satisfied are you with your financial situation right now? 
How confident do you feel about managing your money?
How much has the cost-of-living crisis affected you?
You repay all monthly bills (e.g. energy, internet, etc) on time and in full each month
How much do you agree with this statement?
You repay all debts (e.g. credit cards, loans, and mortgage) on time and in full each month
How much do you agree with this statement?
How often can you put money aside each month?
Could you easily handle a small, unexpected cost (e.g. a little gift)?
Could you easily handle a large, unexpected cost (e.g. a new boiler)?
You're on track for saving towards your goals (e.g. new car, holiday etc)
How much do you agree with this statement? 
Are you satisfied with how much you're saving for your future?