Looking to reduce your spending, better understand your borrowing options, or review your financial goals? Our guides to managing your money could help you make sense of your money.
Life Moments
Get all the latest information on how we can help if our travel plans have changed, as well as help on how to manage your money while you're away.
Your Home
Life Moments | Helping with Key Life Changes | RBS - Royal Bank of Scotland
Buying your first home
Ready to get your foot on the housing ladder? We can help guide you through the process and how the Government could help.
Mortgage Guides
From buying and moving to remortgaging, we could help guide you through every step.
Save energy at home
Get ideas to help make your home more energy efficient. It could save you money and help the planet too.
Buying a second home
From rental properties to holiday homes, we’ll help you understand the potential benefits and costs you may need to be aware of.
Home improvements
A guide to the steps involved when considering how to improve your home, from getting ideas to any relevant planning permissions.
Household bills
Running a household can be expensive, but there could be a few things that you could do to minimise costs and save some money.
Difficult Times
Life Moments | Helping with Key Life Changes | RBS - Royal Bank of Scotland
Struggling Financially
If your debt feels like a burden or you’re worried about spending more than you earn, we're here to help you get back on track.
We know coping with bereavement isn't easy, so we’re here to help make the financial side of things as easy as possible.
Caring for someone vulnerable
If you’re caring for someone, you’re not alone. Find out what help we can offer vulnerable customers.
Life and Family
Life Moments | Helping with Key Life Changes | RBS - Royal Bank of Scotland
Changes at work
Helpful information for those affected at work by coronavirus, as well as support on topics such as maternity leave and working at home with kids.
Retirement and Pensions
An overview of pension types, as well as support on saving and investing for your future.
Home learning
Our MoneySense site has lots of helpful resources to support you at home with the kids.
Download the app
Follow the three simple steps below.
App available to customers aged 11+ with compatible iOS and Android devices and a UK or international mobile number in specific countries.
1. On your mobile or tablet, go to the App Store if using Apple or Google Play if using Android
2. Search for 'Royal Bank of Scotland'
3. Tap to download the app
Why you'll love the mobile banking app
What's new? OpenClose
Discover what your app can do for you
Get closer to where your money goes
Spending automatically places your current account transactions into categories, so you can get a detailed picture of where your money goes each month and makes staying in control of your money even easier.
You can also set and track monthly spending budgets for one or more categories to help you stay on top of your spending and you'll be able to see at a glance exactly how you're doing against the budgets you've set. Our app will even show you how much you'll save over the year if you stick to your budgets.
Find out more about Spending by opening your app and selecting it from the bottom of your screen.
What you need to know:
Our App can be used on compatible iOS and Android devices. You'll need a UK or international mobile number in specific countries. Spending Tracker is available to customers aged 16+ who have a Personal or Premier account with us.
Make it personal OpenClose
Only you can log in with fingerprint and facial recognition
Secure log in
Touch ID, Face ID and Android Fingerprint are available on compatible mobile and tablet devices.
Enable on your device when you sign up to the mobile app or through the Settings menu in your Profile.
Touch ID and Face ID are available on selected Apple devices. Android Fingerprint is available on selected Android devices.
Make your banking app unique
Personalising your banking app
Create a personal greeting
- This will appear every time you log in, why not get creative with emojis!
- Create your greeting via the Settings option in your Profile.
Change account nicknames
- Select an account then tap the menu icon in the top right corner to change your account nickname.
- Nicknames are handy to see what each account is used for at a glance.
Change the order of your accounts
- Want to see your current account first when you log in? Press, hold and drag on any account from the home screen to change their position.
Secure payments OpenClose
Pay someone new up to £750 without a card reader
Pay someone new
To pay someone new with the banking app:
- Open your app and tap on the account you want to send the money from
- Select Payments and then choose 'Pay someone new' at the top
- Follow the step by step instructions to complete your payment
You can save the payee details for next time and download a PDF copy of the payment.
Please note that you must be aged 16 or over and there is a maximum of 5 payments totalling no more than £750 per day.
Pay saved payees
Pay saved payees
To pay a saved payee:
- Open your app and tap the account you wish to pay
- Select Payments from the menu and follow the step by step instructions
Limits do apply, so if you are paying a saved Digital Banking payee and don't change any details the daily maximum is £20,000. If you are paying someone you have only paid using the app or you change an existing payee's details, a maximum daily limit of £750 will apply.
Easy transfers and manage reoccurring payments
Transfers, standing orders and Direct Debits
- Instantly move money between your own accounts anytime, anywhere.
- Choose to move the money now or schedule it for a date in the future.
Standing orders
- Check the details of any standing orders you have set up from your accounts.
- Set up standing orders between your own accounts or to pay any of your existing payees.
- Cancel or amend existing standing orders, but please allow 2 working days notice.
Direct Debits
- Check the details of your Direct Debits authorised from your accounts.
- Cancel any Direct Debits leaving your accounts - no need to visit or call us.
When cancelling Direct Debits from within the mobile app you have up until 8.20pm (UK time) on the day the payment is due. At or after 8.20pm (UK time), the payment due on that day will have been taken and we will not be able to retrieve it.
Smarter banking OpenClose
Instantly freeze and unfreeze misplaced cards
You are in control
The mobile banking app is the only way you can temporarily lock a debit or credit card.
To do this, simply open your app, tap on the account the card is linked to and select 'Manage my card'.
Did you know that you can still use Get Cash to withdraw money from an ATM, even if your debit card is locked? Now that's smarter banking.
Please note that:
- Credit card lock/unlock is available on MasterCard only.
- Withdraw up to £130 every 24 hours at any NatWest, Royal Bank of Scotland (in Scotland), Ulster Bank NI or Tesco ATM, as long as it’s within your daily withdrawal limit. You must have at least £10 available in your account and your card must be active (locked or unlocked).
Withdraw cash from ATMs using a phone, not a card
Get Cash
Withdraw cash from an ATM even if you don't have your card using just your mobile app.
It's simple, smart banking and let's you continue with your day even if you have left your wallet at home.
To use Get Cash simply open your app and tap the Get Cash option along the bottom of your screen.
Please note:
Withdraw up to £130 every 24 hours at any NatWest, Royal Bank of Scotland (in Scotland), Ulster Bank NI or Tesco ATM, as long as it’s within your daily withdrawal limit. You must have at least £10 available in your account and your card must be active (locked or unlocked).
Add accounts from other banks
Account Aggregation
You can add selected accounts held at other UK banks into your Royal Bank of Scotland app, as long as your other bank is one of the participating banks and you are registered for their online banking. Once added, you can see the balances and transactions of those selected accounts.
To add your accounts held elsewhere and check if they can be added, open your mobile app and scroll to the bottom of your accounts.
Tap on "Add an account from another bank" or use your Profile section to get started.