Help with moments that matter to you

Life Moments

Managing your money

Looking to reduce your spending, better understand your borrowing options, or review your financial goals? Our guides to managing your money could help you make sense of your money.


Get all the latest information on how we can help if our travel plans have changed, as well as help on how to manage your money while you're away. 

Travel money

Spending abroad

Your Home

Life Moments | Helping with Key Life Changes | RBS - Royal Bank of Scotland

Buying your first home

Ready to get your foot on the housing ladder? We can help guide you through the process and how the Government could help.

Mortgage Guides

From buying and moving to remortgaging, we could help guide you through every step.

Save energy at home

Get ideas to help make your home more energy efficient. It could save you money and help the planet too.

Difficult Times

Life Moments | Helping with Key Life Changes | RBS - Royal Bank of Scotland

Struggling Financially

If your debt feels like a burden or you’re worried about spending more than you earn, we're here to help you get back on track.


We know coping with bereavement isn't easy, so we’re here to help make the financial side of things as easy as possible.

Caring for someone vulnerable

If you’re caring for someone, you’re not alone. Find out what help we can offer vulnerable customers.

Life and Family

Life Moments | Helping with Key Life Changes | RBS - Royal Bank of Scotland

Changes at work

Helpful information for those affected at work by coronavirus, as well as support on topics such as maternity leave and working at home with kids.

Retirement and Pensions

An overview of pension types, as well as support on saving and investing for your future.

Home learning

Our MoneySense site has lots of helpful resources to support you at home with the kids.

Download the app

Follow the three simple steps below.

App available to customers aged 11+ with compatible iOS and Android devices and a UK or international mobile number in specific countries.

1.   On your mobile or tablet, go to the App Store if using Apple or Google Play if using Android

2.   Search for 'Royal Bank of Scotland'

3.   Tap to download the app 

Why you'll love the mobile banking app

What's new?

Discover what your app can do for you

We update our mobile app regularly with the latest tools to keep your banking easy and secure. Stay on top of what's new by using the 'Help' menu.

Get closer to where your money goes

Spending money is easy, and so is keeping an eye on it with our newest budget tool in your mobile banking app.

Make it personal

Secure payments

Smarter banking