Earn tax-free interest on your savings.
Get instant access to your money for peace of mind.
Build up your tax-free savings using this year's £20,000 ISA allowance before 5th April.
We'll email you when your statements are ready to view in Digital Banking. You can check them whenever you want.
Annual Equivalent Rate (AER) shows the interest rate if interest is paid and compounded once each year. AER helps you to compare the rates of interest on different accounts.
Compound interest is interest that is earned on interest that’s already been paid.
Gross means the interest rate you are paid on your savings with no compounding.
p.a. per annum (per year).
Tax-free. We pay all savings interest without the deduction of tax. You do not pay any UK tax on interest earned in ISAs. You may have to pay tax on interest earned in non-ISA accounts depending on your Personal Savings Allowance. The tax treatment may be subject to change in the future.
We will soon be making changes to our Terms and Conditions, see the changes here.
If you carry on applying, it means you're happy with what's in these documents, including the FSCS information sheet. Please take some time to review, print and/or save the important information.