Want to move your ISA to Royal Bank of Scotland?

How to transfer your ISA

What is an ISA transfer?

When you move your savings from one ISA account to another, it's called an ISA transfer. That might mean moving an ISA from one bank or building society to a different one, or just moving your savings from one kind of ISA to another one - say moving savings from a cash ISA to a stocks and shares ISA.

If you want to transfer an ISA, it's really important to go through a proper ISA transfer process. That way, you won't lose out on any of the tax benefits of your ISA account.

How to transfer to a cash ISA

Got an ISA with another bank or building society that you want to move to a cash ISA with Royal Bank of Scotland? You can make the switch in a few quick steps. Here’s how:

  • To transfer an ISA to us, you need to have a cash ISA open with us first. If you haven’t got a cash ISA with us, you can open an account via the mobile app or digital banking . Visit our cash ISA page for more information.
  •  You can transfer an ISA from another provider to us via the mobile app. To complete the ISA transfer, select the ISA you want to transfer into within the mobile app. Select the option to “Move ISA from elsewhere” which will direct you to our form.
  •  Don’t have the app? Simply scan the QR code to download the app and get started. Just make sure you’ve set up digital banking as you’ll need this to access the mobile app.

Download the Royal Bank app

  1. On your mobile or tablet, open the camera and point your device at the QR code.
  2. A link will pop up, tap this, and you’ll be taken straight to download the app.


QR code not working? 

Don’t worry, you can still download the app by following these instructions:

  1. On your mobile or tablet, go to the App Store if using Apple or Google Play if using Android.
  2. Search for 'Royal Bank Mobile Banking'.
  3. Tap to download the app.

Want to know more about ISA transfers?

There's more information under the ISA section of our Manage your Savings page.