
What is my Digital Banking Mailbox and how do I access it?

What is my Digital Banking Mailbox and how do I access it?

Your Digital Banking Mailbox or mobile app enables you to securely receive and access important mail we've sent you in electronic format. You can view, download, share, archive or print PDF copies of your mail at your convenience.

View/download/print items in the Digital Banking Mailbox

  1. Log into Digital Banking
  2. Select 'Mailbox' in the main menu
  3. A list of items in your Mailbox will be displayed
  4. If you select the relevant mail item you wish to view or print, you will see details for this mail item displayed in the right hand side of the screen
  5. Select the 'Open document' button
  6. The mail item will download automatically to your device. You can then access it by following your usual steps when accessing downloaded items on your device for viewing or printing

Archive items in the Digital Banking Mailbox

  1. If you select the relevant mail item you wish to archive, you will see details for this mail item displayed in the right hand side of the screen
  2. Select the 'Archive' link


Please note, your Digital Banking Mailbox or mobile app is used to receive mail only, you cannot forward or reply to mail we send.

If you have questions about any mail you receive or need help, please contact us(opens in a new window).