Help closing your account

Close your account

How do I close my account?

We're sorry to see you go. If you're sure you want to close your account with us, we'll help you find the best way. Depending on your account type, you may be able to close it via our mobile app or Digital Banking

Follow the questions below to find out how to close your account or take a look at our FAQs for more details.

Ready to close your account?

Click continue to find out how you can close your account.

Help getting reunited with your money

Do you think you might have money in an account with us that you haven't used for a long time?

We can help track down your account for you.

Accessing your money in your fixed term account

Frequently asked questions

Do you know about our other products?

Before we help you close your account why not see if any of our other products suit you better? If you want to speak to a colleague to discuss your options, you can arrange a video financial health check.

Business Accounts

If you'd like to close your business account, you can do this via Digital Banking or our mobile app. Find out more information and the steps you need to take on our business accounts page.

Don't worry if you don't use Digital Banking or our mobile app. You can still close your account quickly and easily. We'll need to get permission from each of the signatories on your account. 

Other ways to contact us

Mobile App

Go to the home screen of your mobile banking app. Tap 'Help' on the bottom of the screen, then 'Message us' to start a chat. Criteria apply.

Information Message

Digital Banking

Log into Digital Banking. From your home screen, click 'Chat Now' to start a chat. Criteria apply.

Information Message

Banking My Way

If you need support to help you with your banking, you can let us know through Banking My Way.

Banking My Way is a free service that records information about the support or adjustments you need to make banking easier.