Just need some help?
If you don't wish to make a complaint, but still need some help, Cora, our digital assistant can provide answers to the most commonly asked questions. If she can't help, she'll pass you onto a real person who can.
If you do wish to make a complaint please click the 'Ask Cora' button below.
Making things better. Here's how to let us know of any problems: raising your complaints in the Mobile App or Online
We always try to give you the best possible service, but sometimes we don't get it right. If you let us know, we've then got the chance to put it right and help prevent the same mistakes in the future.
The quickest and easiest way to raise a complaint is through our Mobile App
If you're a personal banking customer and registered for our Mobile App, select the 'Make a Complaint in the app' option below.
App available to customers aged 11+ using compatible iOS and Android devices and a UK or international mobile number in specific countries.

If you're on a desktop computer, but have our Mobile App...
Using your Mobile or tablet, open your camera and point your device at the QR code. A link will pop up, tap this, it will take you straight into our app to start registering your issue. Type 'complaint' and we'll guide you through the process.
It’s simpler to complain online. But of course, we do have other ways to get in touch.
RBS have collected your contact information to enable us to provide you with updates on the progress of your complaint. The complaint record will be stored for 6 years for audit/investigation purposes as required by regulatory authorities. Our full Privacy Policy is available at rbs.co.uk/privacy.