
Changing the names on your Mortgage

Changing the names on your Mortgage

We're here to help if you need to add or remove someone from your Mortgage. For example, you can:

  • Change the mortgage from a single name to joint names
  • Change the mortgage from a joint name to a single name
  • Remove a joint name and add a new joint name to the mortgage

This may sometimes be referred to as a 'Transfer of Title'.

If you do want to change the details of your mortgage and need to borrow more money, the good news is this can all be done at the same time. It's worth remembering that we only allow a maximum of two borrowers to be party to a mortgage account.

We charge an administration fee of £185, which is refundable if the transfer does not complete. A solicitor of your choice will complete the legal formalities. As the cost of doing this can vary depending on your circumstances, you may wish to check with your solicitor what the cost is likely to be before proceeding.

Our telephony mortgage specialists are happy to answer your initial questions and help you understand if your mortgage would be affordable after your proposed change. When you’re ready to contact us, please call us and we will arrange for a suitable time for you to speak to one the specialists.

Mortgage team
Phone Number: 0800 056 0567
Next Generation Text Service: 18001 056 0567
For more information on accessibility, please visit our accessibility pages (opens in a new window).
Open Monday to Friday 8am - 6pm, Saturday 9am - 4pm (excluding public holidays)
Calls may be recorded.

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