
Overdrafts Eligibility Tool

Step 1 of 5

Tell us a bit about you

Your name as it appears on your passport or driving licence
Please enter your first name.
Please enter your last name.
Please enter your date of birth.

Your address

Please enter a flat number.
Please enter a house or building name.
Please enter a house or building number.
Please enter a street name.
Please enter a city or town name
Please enter a valid UK post code e.g. EC1A ABB or NE33 1HF
Have you lived here for more than 3 years? *
Please confirm whether you've lived in your current address for more than 3 years.
Please enter a flat number.
Please enter a house or building name.
Please enter a house or building number.
Please enter a street name.
Please enter a town or city name
Please enter a valid UK post code e.g. EC1A ABB or NE33 1HF
What's your living situation? *
Please confirm whether you own or rent your property.

Your finances

Now we just need a few financial details from you

As you changed your work status to ‘student’, that means you could be eligible for an overdraft between £250 to £2,000 (it’s £500 for your first term).

To check your eligibility, we’ll need you to update your ideal overdraft amount in step 4.

Great, thank you.

As you're a student, we don't need to know more about your finances just yet.

As you changed your work status to ‘graduate’, that means you could be eligible for an overdraft between £250 to £2,000.

To check your eligibility, we’ll need you to update your ideal overdraft amount in step 4.

Great, thank you.

As you're a graduate, we don't need to know more about your finances just yet.


Please confirm your monthly take home pay


Do you share your monthly rent or mortgage payments with someone else? If you live with parents, select No *
Please confirm whether you share your monthly mortgage or rent payments.
Please confirm your monthly share of the rent or mortgage payment.
Please confirm how much you pay towards the rent/mortgage each month.
Do you expect your income to go down in the next two years? *
Please confirm whether you expect your income to reduce in the next 2 years.
Please provide an estimate of what you'd expect your monthly 'take home pay' to be.
Do you pay for any of the following? *
Please choose an option below to continue
  • Nursery, school, college or university fees (not your student loan)
  • Costs for dependents who don’t live with you
  • Additional support or care costs for anyone living with you
  • Maintenance costs to support previous partner
  • Pension contributions not deducted from your monthly income
  • Property service charges on top of your mortgage or rent
  • Lending repayments that have not started
Please confirm the total monthly cost of these payments.

A dependant is someone you support financially – they can be under or over 18.

Overdraft Amount

Think about how much you actually need, and what you’d use an overdraft for.
Please confirm your ideal overdraft amount.
This eligibility checker just looks at overdrafts between £250 and £1,000. If you decide to apply, you might be offered more – or less.
Please enter your ideal overdraft amount.
This eligibility checker just looks at overdrafts between £250 and £1,000. If you decide to apply, you might be offered more – or less.
Please enter your ideal overdraft amount.
This eligibility tool just looks at overdrafts between £250 and £1,000. If you decide to apply, you might be offered more – or less. If you need an overdraft of more than £1,000, please contact us.

Final check

Check again

Please take a moment to make sure all your details are correct.
Check your details once again. Sometimes spelling mistakes are the reason why you couldn't match your details.

Just so you know...

We'll use what you've said to estimate if we'd give you an overdraft. We'll also do a soft credit search, (.)

Please don't leave this page: it could take up to 30 seconds to get your results. 

If you're not sure what's wrong, you can start again

One Moment

We're just running a soft credit check - you'll get your result soon

Worried about your finances?

We understand that sometimes people struggle financially. If you're worried about paying money back or you're struggling to pay your mortgage, rent or other bills, find out how we can help.