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Change your account to Reward Platinum

Boost your benefits with our Reward Platinum account
- Earn £4 a month in Rewards for 2 or more direct debits of at least £2.
- Earn £1 a month in Rewards just by logging into our mobile app.
- Mobile phone insurance.
- UK car breakdown cover.
- Worldwide family travel insurance.
- Free from non-sterling transaction fees on purchases abroad.
- Choose your way to pay with Apple Pay, Google Pay™ or Contactless Debit Card. Limits apply.
£22 monthly fee.
To apply, you must be an existing Royal Bank current account customer.
Get travel insurance and other benefits with our packaged bank accounts
Our Reward Platinum account is packed full of extras to help you while you're abroad.
Worldwide travel insurance (with COVID cover)
Family travel insurance that covers you and your eligible partner and dependent children for trips up to 31 days. It includes emergency medical expenses, cancellations, baggage and more.
Worldwide travel insurance is underwritten by AWP P&C SA and administered by AWP Assistance UK Ltd trading as Allianz Assistance.
- Family cover includes you and your partner, plus any dependent children under age 18 at the start of the journey (under 23 if they’re in full-time education). Children must be living at the home address (or with the other parent), and be neither married nor in a Civil Partnership.
- Your partner is the person you, the account holder, lives with at the same home address in a relationship, whether married or cohabiting.
- If you or your joint account holder are aged 70 or over, you’ll need to get in touch with us each year to get your cover, where there will be a £75 annual premium per person.
- Pre-existing medical conditions won’t be covered. You may have to pay extra for this or you may find that your condition cannot be covered.
If wish to discuss further, you can call us: UK: 0345 609 0456 | Relay UK: 18001 0345 609 0456 | Monday to Friday, 8am-8pm | Saturday, 9am-5pm | Sunday, 10am-5pm.
If Allianz Assistance are unable to offer you an upgrade to extend the level of cover you need, or your upgrade insurance premium is higher than you expected because you have medical conditions, help could still be available.
You may be able to obtain alternative travel insurance cover for pre-existing medical conditions by contacting one of the providers featured in the MoneyHelper Directory of specialist travel insurance providers for people with serious medical conditions. Do take time to study and compare the terms and conditions to ensure you have the cover you need.
Telephone: 0800 138 7777 | Relay UK: 18001 0800 138 7777. Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm | Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays, closed
Your policy provides cover for the following situations related to COVID-19 as long as the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) aren't advising against "all travel" or "all but essential travel" to your destination:
Cancelling a trip due to:
- You or any insured person, close relative or travelling companion being diagnosed with COVID-19 or another pandemic disease
- quarantine (as an individual and not broadly as part or all of a population, vessel or geographical area) if not known at time of booking
- the FCDO advising against 'all' or 'all but essential' travel due to COVID-19 or another pandemic
- you're unable to access your pre-booked accommodation due to COVID-19 or another pandemic.
Cutting short a trip due to:
- A change in FCDO advice, as long as you weren’t aware of this advice when you travelled
- being unable to stay in pre-booked accommodation due to COVID-19 or another pandemic, as long as you weren’t aware of this when you travelled.
Spending abroad
No non-sterling transaction fees when you buy with your debit card abroad.
- Use your debit card for purchases anywhere in the world, in any currency, without worrying about charges for using your card abroad.
- There is no non-sterling transaction fee when using your Reward Platinum debit card outside the UK.
- Not valid for ATM withdrawals. Other local fees may apply.
Other features and benefits
Insurance OpenClose
Mobile phone insurance
Mobile phone insurance - in detail
Covers the phone you use on a daily basis. If your account is in joint names, cover is also provided for the phone the other account holder uses on a daily basis. There is no cover for phones owned by your employer.
Two approved claims can be made in any 12-month period. If this is a joint account, each account holder can make two approved claims.
Claims are settled by replacing or, in certain circumstances, repairing your phone. We'll arrange a repair or replacement asap, so long as you're in the UK. Replacement phones are refurbished handsets in ‘as new’ condition using genuine manufacturer parts. Repairs use genuine manufacturer or manufacturer quality parts.
There is a £100 excess for each approved claim when your phone is replaced.
There is a £50 excess for each approved claim.
Replacement phones include a 12-month warranty. Repaired phones include a 24-month warranty.
UK car breakdown cover
UK car breakdown cover in detail
What you need to know about UK car breakdown cover:
- Roadside Assistance - anywhere in the UK.
- At Home - get help when your vehicle won't start at home.
- National Recovery - if the AA can't get your vehicle going, they'll take you and your vehicle to a destination of your choice.
- Onward Travel - if your vehicle can't be fixed at the roadside, the AA can help you complete your journey. This may be by arranging a replacement vehicle, booking you a night's accommodation or funding alternative transport costs (i.e. rail fares) where appropriate.
- Accident Assist - a 24/7 accident claims service. The AA will handle your insurance claim - at no additional cost - no matter which company insures you.
- All your vehicles are covered - your policy covers any privately registered vehicle you travel in, anywhere in the UK. It also covers your vehicle if it is being driven by someone else with your permission.
Things to remember:
- Doesn't cover any repair costs once the insured vehicle has been transported to a garage or repairer.
- Repeat call-outs for the same fault within 28 days won't be covered.
For more information on the cover including exclusions and limitations, please refer to our car breakdown cover page.
Roadside Assistance, At Home and National Recovery: Provided by Automobile Association Developments Limited (trading as AA Breakdown Services)
Onward Travel: Underwritten by Acromas Insurance Company Limited
Accident Assist: Underwritten by AA Underwriting Insurance Company Limited
Lifestyle OpenClose
Cinema discount
Tastecard in detail
- Some restaurants may exclude tastecard use on Friday or Saturday evenings, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Valentine’s Day, the whole of December and potentially other "event" type days.
- Where restaurants offer 50% off food or 25% off food and drinks they may limit the number of people; where restaurants offer 2 for 1 this does not include side dishes or extras.
- Some restaurants require the customer to book prior to arriving.
Rewards OpenClose
Earn Rewards
Exchange Rewards
How to exchange your Rewards
As soon as your available Rewards balance is the equivalent of £5 or more, you can log in to MyRewards using our mobile app to exchange them. Keep in mind, if you choose to bank your Rewards it will take 5 working days to clear.
Banking with us OpenClose
Mobile app
Mobile app details
Our mobile app is available to Digital Banking customers with a UK or international mobile number in specific countries.
What can you get up to with our mobile app?
Log in with your fingerprint on selected Apple and Android devices– it’s simple, secure and fast.
View, cancel and amend your regular payments – so you manage your bills where and when it suits you. Limits apply.
Easily pay family and friends using their mobile number - (as long as they have our mobile app). Pay Your Contacts makes it quick and easy, and they’ll get the money instantly. Limits apply.
Get cash without your card – Ideal if you’ve left your card at home. Simply go to any Royal Bank or Tesco cash machine and follow the steps in the app. You can withdraw up to £130 every 24 hours, you must have at least £10 available.
That’s only half the story. Find out what else you can do. More about Mobile app.
Our range of savings accounts
Comparing savings accounts
Whether you're new to saving, or more of an expert, our Savings Hub is designed to help you find the savings account that best suits your needs. We have a range of accounts which you could have access to if you open a current account with us.
Individual account eligibility criteria and conditions may apply.

Switch to Royal Bank
The Current Account Switch Service will do all the work when it comes to switching, moving everything across from your old account all within 7 working days, including Direct Debits and standing orders. All you need to do is tell us the details of your old bank account and when you want the switch to start.
We can not switch savings accounts or ISAs through this service. Any other products you have with your old bank will not be moved at the same time.
Current Account Switch Guarantee (PDF, 39KB)
An arranged overdraft is available with this account (subject to eligibility).
An overdraft is a form of borrowing and is repayable on demand. It can be useful for short term borrowing.
To apply for or amend an overdraft on your account visit our Overdraft pages.
There are two different types of overdraft:
- An arranged overdraft, which allows you to go overdrawn up to an agreed limit.
- An unarranged overdraft. This is when you spend more money than you have in your current account without already having an arranged overdraft, or when you exceed your current arranged overdraft limit.
We charge interest on both types of overdraft. Going in to an unarranged overdraft limit can lead to payments being rejected.
We will soon be making changes to our Terms and Conditions, see the changes here.
Now please take a look at the important legal info
If you carry on applying, it means you're happy with what's in these documents, including the FSCS information sheet. And happy to view your statements in Digital Banking - not posted. Please take some time to review, print and/or save the important information.
All kinds of general info about our current accounts. Including details about the Reward Platinum Account.
Very important information about how your money is protected. Just in case.
How much our charges will be. From taking cash out abroad to an unarranged overdraft.
Important basic info about the bank. For example, who regulates us and how to complain (hopefully you won't need that bit).
How we promise to treat you, if we lend you money. And what we expect from you in return.
All the detail about MyRewards. From how to set it up and how to earn Rewards, to how we’ll keep in touch with you.
Items covered within the Reward Platinum packaged account fee, e.g. Worldwide Travel and Mobile Phone Insurance.
These Terms are the ‘Platinum Benefit Terms’ referred to in ‘Your Current Account Terms’ and are part of the agreement between you and us for your Platinum account.
This booklet contains everything you need to know about your travel insurance.
How your information might be used
It's important for you to understand how we use and share your information. Please read this short summary before you continue with your application.