Premier account benefits

Enjoy a range of exclusive travel perks and discounts

What's included?

Your Premier Reward Black and Black account offers a range of travel perks, including:

Worldwide family travel insurance

Access to over 1,100 airport lounges

No Non-Sterling Transaction Fee on debit card purchases abroad

Using your debit card abroad

Use your debit card for purchases anywhere in the world.

  • No Non-Sterling Transaction Fee when you make a payment outside the UK or payment in a foreign currency
  • Not valid for ATM withdrawals, and local fees may apply

Check out our Life Moments Travel section for information on charges and tips for travelling abroad

Have an existing Travel Service booking?

The Travel Service was withdrawn on 1 March 2024. The Travel Service team are still available to support existing bookings, and you can continue to manage your booking, including making a payment, online.

Visit Membership Services or call us on 0345 266 8801 (Relay UK 18001 0345 266 8801).

Lines are open from 9am - 6pm Monday to Friday; 9am - 1pm Saturdays; closed Sundays and public holidays (including Christmas Day). Please be advised calls are recorded for training and quality assurance purposes.

Your Premier Reward Black account documents

Please take some time to review, print and/or save a copy of these.