
Where can I find my IBAN and BIC details?

Where can I find my IBAN and BIC details?

You can find your IBAN and BIC, on your account on Anytime Internet Banking, or your account statement, or the 'View/Share account details' section of your mobile app:

Mobile app

  1. Log in to your app
  2. Tap on the account you want to see
  3. Scroll down to 'Account settings'
  4. Tap 'View account details' to see your IBAN and BIC code

Anytime Internet Banking

  1. Log in to www.anytimebanking.ulsterbank.co.uk (opens in a new window)
  2. Select the account you wish to view from the 'Account summary' screen
  3. Select the option 'View account details'
  4. You will see the IBAN & BIC code listed on screen

Where can I find my IBAN and BIC details?

On your bank account statement

Using our mobile app

Using our mobile app

You can find your IBAN and BIC by selecting 'View / Share account details' within our mobile app:

Android version

  • Log in to your app
  • Tap on the account you want to see
  • Select the three dots on the top right of your screen
  • Tap 'View / Share account details' to see your IBAN and BIC code

iOS version

  • Log in to your app
  • Tap on the account you want to see
  • Select the 'Account settings' option
  • Tap 'View / Share account details' to see your IBAN and BIC code

Learn more about our mobile app

App available to customers aged 11+ with compatible iOS and Android devices and a Channel Islands, Isle of Man, UK or international mobile number in specific countries.

Using online banking

Using online banking

You can find your BIC and SWIFT using online banking:

  • Log in to online banking
  • Select the account you wish to view from the 'Account summary' screen
  • Select the option 'View account details'
  • You will see the IBAN & BIC code listed on screen

Learn more about online banking

Online banking available to customers aged 11+ with a NatWest International account.