
Being ‘Future Fit’ helps businesses grow

Based on a survey of 1,000 UK businesses operating across 10 sectors, we’ve identified Future Fit businesses as those that outperform their peers in four key areas – sustainability, supply chains, talent and technology.

Join us

Join us wherever you are in the UK for an online series of keynote speeches, lively debates and interactive Q&A sessions with trailblazers in their sector. 

Date: Tuesday 25 June 2024

Time: 14:30 BST

Register for a place now

How long will it last?

Please allow 90 minutes which will cover the keynote speeches and guest speaker and then there will be an opportunity for Q&A following the presentation.


Hosted by Robert Begbie, CEO of our Commercial & Institutional franchise.

Plus, we’ll be joined by a very special guest: champion athlete, Olympian and business owner Alistair Brownlee, who’ll be sharing his top tips on resilience, performance, momentum and collaboration.

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