
Existing Complaint Form

We're here to help

A member of our team will deal with your complaint

Making a complaint?

What happens next?

To find out what happens after we receive your complaint download this guide to our complaints procedure.

Making a complaint (PDF) 81KB

Confirmation of Your Complaint Submission

Thank you for taking the time to let us know what has gone wrong. We're sorry you have had to complain.

Next steps

Your submission for your Existing Complaint has been sent to your Complaint Handler who will take responsibility for including this in their investigation and resolution of your complaint

We may need to speak with you to help put things right or for further information. We like to speak to you directly by telephone if possible to ensure we get the right outcome for you. Please note this may come from an 'unknown' or 'private' number, but we'll send you a text before we call.