App available to customers aged 11+ with compatible iOS and Android devices and a UK or international mobile number in specific countries. Digital Banking available to customers aged 11+ with a Royal Bank of Scotland account.
Fees and charges by credit card
Late or missed payment fee
Applied if you're more than one day late paying your monthly bill
If you miss a payment or are late paying, at least your minimum payment, by the date shown on the statement, you will be charged £12. The fee will appear on your next statement.
Avoid late payments by setting up a direct debit
One simple way of avoiding this fee is by setting up a direct debit. This would mean the payment would be taken automatically on a monthly basis. You can set the direct debit to pay the minimum amount, the full balance or a set amount.
Overlimit fee
Applied when you go over your credit limit
The overlimit fee is £12 and is charged if you go over your agreed credit limit by £12. It will be charged to your account and will be on your next statement.
To help you stay within your limit, we will send you a text when you are using 95% of the credit limit. Please ensure your mobile number is up to date so you receive these alerts.
Another simple way to help manage your credit card is by having our Mobile Banking App which means you can log on anyway, anytime and see what your balance is.
Returned payment fee
Applied when you don’t have enough money to make a payment.
The return payment fee of £10 (or £5 if you have a Reward Black card) is applied to your account if the payment from your direct debit or cheque is rejected. This will have been due to insufficient funds in the account that the payment is being made from.
In addition, you might want to consider changing the date of your statement which will change your payment date, so that it is at a more convenient time or changing the amount the Direct Debit is set up for.
If you would like to discuss these options please contact us.
What’s my minimum payment?
The minimum amount you need to pay each month is shown on your statement. We encourage you to pay more than this, to clear your balance more quickly and pay less interest.
Go to our repayment calculator to work out how long it could take to pay off your credit card balance.
Struggling to pay?
It’s really important you get in touch, the sooner you call us the quicker we can help. When you do, you'll be speaking to dedicated colleagues who are here to support you and discuss your current situation.