Help getting reunited with your money

Dormant Bank Accounts

Do you have money in a dormant account?

A bank account that hasn't been used in a long time can become dormant.  We class an account as dormant if it's not been used for more than 5 years. We will try our best to contact you before this happens.

Follow the steps below to reclaim your money if you think you have a dormant account with us. If you're not sure if you once had an account with us, visit us in branch and we can help you find out. 

Making a dormant request (UK residents)

Find your dormant account details

  • Before you start reclaiming a dormant account, please make sure you have the account details - Account number and Sort code (The name of the account is also very useful) to help us identify the dormant account.
  • Unfortunately, we can no longer process reclaim requests without these details.
  • If you're unsure or need to check the details of a dormant account, the quickest way is to give us a call on 0345 366 6594 or visit us at your nearest branch.

Complete the reclaim process

  • Download and complete the Dormant Reclaim Form.
  • You will also need original supporting documentation  - Photographic ID and proof of address that is dated within the last 6 months.
  • You will then need to visit us in branch, where we'll verify your ID and proof of address documents and submit your request.
  • If the account is a joint account or there are multiple signatories, we will need ID and proof of address from all signatories on the same Dormant Reclaim Form.
warning Message

Dormant requests as a legal entity

If you're acting as a legal entity on behalf of the claimant (e.g., lawyer/solicitor), you can submit requests via email or post.

Please ensure that all requests through these channels include the completed reclaim form and certified documentation.

See below for the types of ID and proof of address that we accept

Based overseas?

If you live outside the UK, you can download and send us a copy of the Dormant Reclaim Form (PDF, 144 KB) by email or post, along with your photographic ID and proof of address.

Alternatively, you can send us a signed letter of authority to help claim any money. In your letter please provide as many details as possible about the account in question.

Dormant Account FAQs

If we can't find your account...

Your next step may be to head over to www.mylostaccount.org.uk.

This is a free service bringing together the three tracing schemes of UK Finance (UKF), the Building Societies Association (BSA) and National Savings and Investments (NS&I), to help you trace your lost accounts and savings.

Unclaimed Assets Scheme

We take part in the Unclaimed Assets Scheme established under the Dormant Bank and Building Society Accounts Act 2008.

  • This scheme allows money in dormant accounts (accounts that haven't been used for 15 years or more) to be distributed for the benefit of the community, while protecting the rights of customers to reclaim their money.
  • As part of the scheme, balances of dormant accounts can be transferred to Reclaim Fund Ltd (RFL). This is a not-for-profit reclaim fund, authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.
  • If you have a dormant account, you rights related to the account and entitlement to the balance aren't affected. RFL doesn't hold customer information or records in relation to transferred dormant account balances. You should continue to get in touch with us at your branch if you have any questions or complaints in relation to your account.
  • Both we and the RFL participate in the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). The transfer to RFL of dormant account balances will not adversely affect any entitlement you have to compensation from the FSCS.

If you are unsure, call or visit us in branch

Not sure if you have money in a dormant account with Royal Bank of Scotland? Call us on:

If you need any support, please call us on 0345 366 6594.

Relay UK: 18001 0345 366 6594.

For overseas customers please call us on 00441634648143.

or visit your nearest branch.