We will soon be reducing some of our interest rates, see the changes here.
Manage your savings account
The end of tax year is coming up
If you wish to make full use of your tax free allowance, you’ll need to fund your ISA before 5th April 2025.
We're here to help you manage your savings account
Want to top up your savings pot or take some money out? Or maybe you need to reactivate your ISA or find out why you've seen 'DRS overfund' on your Digital Regular Saver statement. Here's all the information you need to help you manage your Royal Bank of Scotland savings account.
To get started, just choose your savings account from the list below.
Manage your Instant Access ISA
You've got until the 5th April to make the most of the £20,000 ISA allowance for the current tax year. Don't forget - if you haven't paid into your ISA for a full tax year, you'll need to reactivate it before you can pay into it again.
Paying money in
Paying into an ISA is called subscribing. There are four different kinds of ISA: Cash ISAs, Stocks & Shares ISAs, Innovative Finance ISAs and Lifetime ISAs.
We offer Cash ISAs and Stocks & Shares ISAs, but you might have other kinds of ISAs with other banks or building societies. Our Cash ISAs include Variable Rate ISAs, Fixed Rate ISAs. Our variable rate cash ISA is called Instant Access ISA.
You must not subscribe to another Cash ISA with us or have subscribed more than the overall subscription limit in total to a Cash ISA, Stocks & Shares ISA, or any other types of ISAs in the same tax year.
The ISA allowance in the UK is currently £20,000. It applies from the 6th April to 5th April. Anything you pay into an ISA after 5th April will count as part of your ISA allowance for the next tax year.
Want to find out more about ISAs? Check out our ISA guide.
You can use mobile app, online banking, direct banking or any branch to pay funds into your Instant Access ISA.
If you've got more than one type of ISA, just make sure you're not paying in more than your ISA allowance of £20,000 for the current tax year across all your ISAs. Tax years run from 6th April to 5th April the following year.
If you've got a Fixed Rate ISA, you can pay in a lump sum at the start of your fixed term. For other Cash ISAs, you can choose whether you want to pay in lump sums, or set up a monthly standing order to help you save more regularly.
You can reactivate your ISA in the mobile app or online banking – just click the ‘Help’ button and ask to ‘reactivate my ISA’. Your ISA will be reactivated the next working day.
Taking money out
Our Instant Access ISA is an instant access account, so you can take money out whenever you need to. It's worth remembering that if you take money out of your ISA, you can only pay money back in that same tax year up to your annual ISA allowance of £20,000. For example, if you pay £16,000 into your Instant Access ISA and take out £500, you'd still only have £4000 of your ISA allowance left.
Don't forget, if you just want to move the savings in your Instant Access ISA to another ISA account, you'll need to go through the ISA transfer process to make sure you don't lose out on any of the tax free benefits of your ISA account.
ISA Inheritance Allowance
If you're the spouse or civil partner of anyone who died from 3rd December 2014 onwards and held an ISA at the time of death, you can apply to have their ISA allowance added to your ISA. This is called ‘Additional Permitted Subscription’, or APS.
This isn't inheriting the actual money in the ISA, which follows the normal estate process. If the ISA holder died on or before the 5th April 2018, the value of the allowance is equal to the value of the ISA balance, including all interest at the date of death. If the ISA holder died on or after the 6th April 2018, the allowance can be the higher of the value of the ISA balance including all interest at the date of death, or the value of the ISA balance at the point the ISA is no longer a “continuing account”.
An ISA account is no longer a “continuing account” when the administration of the estate is complete, the ISA is closed, or 3 years have passed since the date of death – whichever is earliest. Please note, if the estate takes more than 3 years to settle, interest earned after this is taxable so will not count towards the APS.
To apply please print, complete and return this form to:
ISA Transfer Team, Everyday Banking, PO Box 5612, Manchester, M61 0WN
We'll check the information you've given us and write to you within 30 days with your exact entitlement, along with details of how to add those funds to your own Instant Access ISA without using your personal annual ISA allowance.
For further information on we how can help during the difficult period following the death of a loved one, find out about our Bereavement Service.
How to transfer your ISA
An ISA transfer allows you to move ISA's from one provider to another at any time. You can transfer your ISA into a different type of ISA or to the same type.
You can combine multiple ISA’s using this transfer process. All ISA transfers between providers need to follow the set ISA transfer process, this ensures funds retains their tax free status.
If you want to transfer your ISA balance that has been subscribed during the current tax year, you must transfer this in full. For balances subscribed during previous years you can choose to send a partial transfer.
First, you'll need to have a Royal Bank of Scotland Instant Access ISA or a Stocks and Shares ISA to transfer the funds into. Not got one yet? You can find out more about how to open one on our Cash ISA page or our Stocks and Shares ISA Page.
For more information on how to transfer an ISA, visit our ISA transfer page.
You can transfer your ISA to another bank or building society whenever you like, by following their ISA transfer process. You'll need to check with them how their ISA process works, but once you've kicked it off they'll get in touch with us so we can work with them to get your ISA savings transferred over.
Manage your Digital Regular Saver
How much can I save each month?
You can pay £150 each month in to your Digital Regular Saver. If you want to increase the standing order on your Digital Regular Saver account, it's easy to do in the mobile app or online banking. You can manage your account through direct banking or by visiting a branch too.
You can pay a maximum of £150 into your Digital Regular Saver each calendar month, not including any Round Ups. If you do pay in more, we’ll send the excess back to your current account.
The returned money will appear on your transactions list as “DRS Overfund ‘current month’". So say you paid in more than £150 in June (excluding Round Ups), it'll show on your transactions list as "DRS Overfund Jun".
Yes, you can use Round Ups to top up your Digital Regular Saver account.
No, Round Ups don't count towards your monthly limit, so you can top up your Digital Regular Saver with the spare change every time you spend on your debit card.
How do I take money out of my Digital Regular Saver?
Digital Regular Saver lets you take out money whenever you need it. Just use our mobile app, log into Digital Banking or get in touch to move money into your RBS current account. If you can, you can drop in to your local branch for help.
If you close your current account with us in future, you'll only be able to take money out of your account in branch.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, but the combination of lump sum deposit and standing order can't be more than £150 per calendar month.
No, but it helps keep you in the savings habit. You will still receive the highest interest rate on your balance up to £5,000.
A maximum of £150 can be paid into the account in a calendar month, i.e 1st – 31st.
Yes, you’ll get the interest rate for the portion of your balance in each interest rate tier even if you stop saving however the standing order will help keep you in the savings habit.
Any money added from Round Ups won't count towards your £150 limit.
Instant Saver
We have recently discontinued the Instant Saver account and moved you to a Flexible Saver.
Manage your Flexible Saver
Ways to pay in
You can pay money in by transferring it from a current account or savings account in your name held with us or another bank. You can manage your account on our mobile app, online or direct banking. Don't forget, you can use Round Ups with your Flexible Saver too, so you can top up your savings with the spare change from your debit card spends.
Yes, you can use Round Ups to top up your Flexible Saver account.
Taking money out
Flexible Saver lets you take out money whenever you need it. Just use our mobile app, log into Digital Banking or get in touch to move money into your RBS current account. If you can, you can drop in to your local branch for help
If you close your current account with us in future, you'll only be able to withdraw money from your account in branch.
Manage your First Saver
Ways to pay in
You can pay money in by transferring it from a current account or savings account in your name held with us or another bank. You can manage your account on our mobile app, online or direct banking. Don't forget, you can use Round Ups with your First Saver too, so you can top up your savings with the spare change from your debit card spends.
Yes, you can use Round Ups to top up your First Saver account.
Taking money out
First Saver an instant access account, so you can take money out whenever you want but how you do that depends on whether the account is held in trust by an adult, or by a child.
Account held in trust: Only the adult who holds the account in trust for a child can take money out the account by using the mobile app, digital banking, direct banking or visiting a Royal Bank of Scotland branch.
Account held by child: If the child is 11 years or older, they can register for our telephone and digital banking services and use them to move money into their Revolve current account if they've got one. Children under 11 can only take money out in branch and will need to take some ID with them.
There are daily limits on the amount you can transfer from your account on mobile app, online or direct banking. The current daily limits and how to withdraw more than them can be found here or by contacting direct banking.
If you've opened a First Saver held in trust for your child, they are legally entitled to the money in the account when they turn 16 years old if the adult trustee’s address is in Scotland, or 18 years old if the adult trustee’s address is elsewhere.
At that point, the adult trustee should transfer the account into the child’s name so they can access the money.
Manage your Fixed Rate ISA
Is your Fixed Rate ISA about to mature? Here's what you need to do.
Fixed Rate ISAs
When your Fixed Rate ISA matures, we’ll automatically convert it into an Instant Access ISA but the sort code and account number will stay the same. About 2 or 3 weeks before your Fixed Rate ISA’s maturity date, you'll get a letter from us to remind you what the interest rate is on your Fixed Rate ISA and what it’ll be when it’s converted to an Instant Access ISA.
When your Fixed Rate ISA has been converted to a Instant Access ISA, you can leave the funds where they are or transfer them to another ISA – including re-investing them in another Fixed Rate ISA if you want to. You can find out more about how to do that here.
If you’re transferring the funds to any other kind of ISA (whether that’s with us or another bank or building society) make sure you go through the ISA transfer process so you don’t miss out on any of the tax free benefits you get with an ISA.
Up until the Term Start date you can add or withdraw funds from your Fixed Rate ISA. After the start date, you’ll need to wait until the account matures.
Want to make a withdrawal after the cut-off, but before the maturity date? You’ll need to close your account by giving written notice to your branch. An Early Closure Charge will then apply, except in the event you pass away.
The Early Closure Charge will:
•Be the lower of the interest earned on your account, or 90 days’ interest
•Be deducted from the balance of your Fixed Rate ISA.
The total amount you receive (including interest earned on your balance) will be no less than your deposit at the start date. For example, if you’ve earned 50 days’ interest, you will only pay an Early Closure Charge equivalent to 50 days’ interest. And if you’ve earned 100 days’ interest, you will only face a charge equivalent to 90 days’ interest.
Please note your Fixed Rate ISA account will not close this will be changed to an Instant Access ISA to protect your ISA tax free status.
Manage your Limited Edition Saver
You can't open a new Limited Edition Saver at the moment.
Ways to pay in
You can pay money into your Limited Edition Saver whenever you want and you don’t have to make regular payments. You can use the mobile app, online or direct banking to transfer money from a current account or savings account held with another bank.
No, you can't use Round Ups to top up your Limited Edition Saver
Taking money out
Limited Edition Saver is an instant access account, which means you can take money out whenever you want.
The quickest way is to use the mobile app, Digital or Telephone Banking to transfer the money into your RBS current account if you have one. Or you can visit a Royal Bank of Scotland branch and our staff can help you.
If you don’t have a RBS current account you can use the mobile app, Digital or Telephone Banking to transfer your money. You may need your card and card reader to do this.
There are daily limits on the amount you can transfer from your account on mobile app, online or direct banking. The current daily limits and how to withdraw more than them can be found here or by contacting direct banking.
Frequently Asked Questions
Interest will be paid on the first working day of each month and will be credited to your Limited Edition Saver account.
You can find the most recent interest rate for your Issue Number here. Not sure what your Issue Number is? You'll find it on the Information Sheet we sent to you when you opened your account in your Mailbox in the mobile app or online banking.
No, you can only have a Limited Edition Saver account held in your own name so it can't be turned into a joint account.
We’ll get in touch at least 30 days before your term is due to end. We'll either offer you another fixed rate term, or convert your account to a Primary Savings instant access account.
You'll still be able to use your Limited Edition Saver to make third party payments.
You can close your Limited Edition Saver account in the mobile app or digital banking. Before you do, make sure you transfer any money to a different account first.
Manage your Savings Builder
You can't open a new Savings Builder account anymore.
Ways to pay in
You can pay money in by transferring it from a current account or savings account in your name held with us or another bank . You can manage your account on our mobile app, online or direct banking. Don't forget, you can use Round Ups with your Savings Builder too, so you can top up your savings with the spare change from your debit card spends.
Yes, you can use Round Ups to top up your Savings Builder account.
Taking money out
Savings Builder lets you take out money whenever you need it. Just use our mobile app, log into Digital Banking or get in touch to move money into your RBS current account. If you can, you can drop in to your local branch for help.
If you close your current account with us in future, you'll only be able to withdraw money from your account in branch.
Manage your Fixed Term Savings Account
Is your Fixed Rate Savings account about to mature? Here's what you need to do.
Fixed term ending soon?
About 2 weeks before your fixed term is due to end, we'll send you a maturity pack with all the information on what happens next, whether you decide to reinvest in another Fixed Term Savings Account, or opt out.
Want to reinvest your savings into another Fixed Term Savings Account? We can automatically do that and send you a Certificate of Deposit with all the details of your new account within 14 days of the new account being opened.
If you change your mind, you can still close your account within 30 days of you reinvesting your savings. After then, you'll need to give us 35 days’ written notice and there could be an Early Closure Charge.
Don't want to reinvest straight away? It’s easy to opt-out. Just complete the Opt-Out form in your maturity pack and send it back to us. You can also let us know you want to opt out of reinvesting at the end of your fixed term at any point in the six months before your account matures by visiting us in branch or calling 03457 24 24 24 (Relay UK: 18001 03457 24 24 24).
Once you've opted out, if you've got a Fixed Term Savings Account, we’ll convert it into a Primary Savings Account on the day after it matures and pay any outstanding interest into the account.
Taking money out
You can't make withdrawals from your Fixed Term Savings Account between the Fixed Term start date and maturity date.
To access your funds early you will need to request an early closure of your Fixed Term Savings Account. You can do this via the mobile app, online banking, telephony or by visiting any branch.
There is a 35 days notice period and an early closure charge. The early closure charge will be the lower of the amount of interest earned on your account or 90 days interest.
To complete this via the mobile app, you must have the app downloaded to your device. You must be registered for direct banking to speak to our direct banking team. You must be registered for online banking to speak to the online banking team where they can assist you.
Manage your Primary Savings Account
Ways to pay in
You can pay money in by transferring it from a current account or savings account in your name held with us or another bank. You can manage your account on our mobile app, Digital or Telephone Banking. Don't forget, if you have a current account with us, you can use Round Ups with your Primary Savings too, so you can top up your savings with the spare change from your debit card spends.
Yes, you can use Round Ups to top up your Primary Savings account. You can only do this if you have a current account with us.
Taking money out
Primary Savings is an instant access account, which means you can take money out whenever you want.
The quickest way is to use the mobile app, Digital or Telephone Banking to transfer the money into your RBS current account if you have one. Or you can visit a Royal Bank of Scotland branch and our staff can help you.
If you don’t have a RBS current account you can use the mobile app, Digital or Telephone Banking to transfer your money. You may need your card and card reader to do this.
There are daily limits on the amount you can transfer from your account on mobile app, online or direct banking. The current daily limits and how to withdraw more than them can be found here or by contacting direct banking.
Manage your Instant Access Savings Account
Ways to pay in
You can pay money in by transferring it from a current account or savings account in your name held with us or another bank. You can manage your account on our mobile app, Digital or Telephone Banking. Don't forget, if you have a current account with us, you can use Round Ups with your Instant Access Savings Account too, so you can top up your savings with the spare change from your debit card spends.
Yes, you can use Round Ups to top up your Instant Access Savings Account. You can only do this if you have a current account with us.
Taking money out
Instant Access Savings is an instant access account, which means you can take money out whenever you want.
The quickest way is to use the mobile app, Digital or Telephone Banking to transfer the money into your RBS current account if you have one. Or you can visit a Royal Bank of Scotland branch and our staff can help you.
If you don’t have a RBS current account you can use the mobile app, Digital or Telephone Banking to transfer your money. You may need your card and card reader to do this.
There are daily limits on the amount you can transfer from your account on mobile app, online or telephone banking. The current daily limits and how to withdraw more than them can be found here or by contacting telephone banking.
Frequently Asked Questions
If your Instant Access Savings Account is linked to your mortgage then the balance in your Instant Access Savings Account offsets your mortgage balance, reducing the amount of interest you pay on your mortgage.
For example, if your mortgage is £80,000 and your linked Instant Access Savings Account has £50,000 then you would only pay interest on £30,000 on your mortgage instead of £80,000.
If you have paid off your mortgage or removed your Instant Access Savings Account from the offset mortgage arrangement, then your Instant Access Savings Account works like a normal savings account. Interest will be calculated daily and paid annually on the first business day of May.
App available to customers aged 11+ with compatible iOS and Android devices and a UK or international mobile number in specific countries. Online banking available to customers aged 11+ with a Royal Bank of Scotland account. Rounds Ups is available to customers with an eligible current account, instant access savings account and the mobile app. Once you’ve set it up, it’ll automatically work with all debit card and contactless device payments (in sterling).
Savings rates and terms
Want to check what interest rates your savings are earning, or need to take a quick look at your savings account terms? Here's the information you need.
Tools to help you save
Round Ups
Switch on Round Ups, and we’ll send the spare change from your debit card spend to your savings account. It's saving, made simple.
Savings Goal Tool
Our savings goal tool could help you save towards your goal and track your progress – whatever you’re saving for.
Budget calculator
Our budget calculator could help you manage your budget so that you can stay on track with your savings goal.
Rounds Ups is available to customers with an eligible current account, instant access savings account and the mobile app. Once you’ve set it up, it’ll automatically work with all debit card and contactless device payments (in sterling).
Manage your Savings FAQs
Yes, we may change the rate up or down. There are a few reasons for this, such as a change in the Bank of England base rate. You can find a full list of reasons for an interest rate change in section 9.2 of the Savings Account Terms. We’ll give you at least 14 days’ notice if the rates are going down and your balance is £100 or more. Otherwise we’ll tell you before or shortly after the change. You can find more details about how we’d tell you about a change in section 9.2 of the Savings Account Terms.
Your PSA is separate from your ISA Allowance and the amount of allowance will depend on the type of Tax Payer you are. The interest you earn from an ISA will not impact your Personal Savings Allowance.
Basic Rate Tax Payers at 20% can earn £1000 in savings interest per year with no tax.
Higher Rate Tax Payers at 40% can earn £500 in savings interest per year with no tax.
Additional - Rate Tax Payers at 45% do not get any allowance.
We discontinued the Instant Saver account. We moved you to a Flexible Saver in February 2024.
You can remove someone from your account if you hold a joint Current account or joint Savings account.
Before you apply to remove a party from your savings account, please read the following criteria:
- To remove a person from your account, you'll both need to provide consent and 1 form of ID along with a selfie from the front and side profile. This will mean they could be removed in 5-10 days rather than the usual 20-25 days as both parties do not need to be present. (Please note all applications should be completed via the online process, the branch should only be used when using the exceptions process.)
- Proof of identity is required from both parties. Forms of identification accepted online will be a valid driving licence, passport, European ID or Biometric Residence Permit along with a selfie photo from the front and side profile.
- The party being removed from the account will then be invited to complete the application through our online form, which we'll send to them via email.
If the account you want to remove a party from has more than 2 account holders, you can't use the online service. and you'll need to visit your local branch.
Once you've completed the online process, you and the party being removed from the account will receive a confirmation email from: noreply@digidocs.rbs.co.uk
If you're registered for Digital Banking, in most cases you can close your savings account online. For instructions on how to close your savings account (including joint Instant Access accounts, Fixed Term Savings accounts and Instant Access ISAs), take a look at this answer in our support centre
Your eligible deposits held by a UK establishment of Royal Bank of Scotland are protected up to a total of £85,000, by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. Any deposits you hold above the limit are unlikely to be covered.
Find out more (PDF, 3k KB) about the scheme and how it protects your money.
Investments through Royal Bank Invest may also be covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme in some scenarios.
Limited Edition Saver Issue 1 ended on 18th December 2024 and we changed your account to a Primary Savings account.
Banking My Way
Banking My Way is a free service that you can use to make sure we know about any support or adjustments you might need to make banking easier.
The Banking My Way service is available to customers aged 16 or over in the mobile app or online banking. For customers under 16, parental consent is required and information must be recorded in branch or over the phone.
Want to open another savings account?
If you're thinking about opening another savings account, take a look at all the options we've got to see which one might be right for you.