
Who do I contact in case of an issue with goods or services received and I paid using VRP (variable recurring payments)/VRP non-sweeping or non-sweeping?

Who do I contact in case of an issue with goods or services received and I paid using VRP (variable recurring payments)/VRP non-sweeping or non-sweeping?

For VRP/variable recurring payments, and VRP non-sweeping/non-sweeping, in case of issues with goods/services received, you should reach to the retailer. Alternatively please contact Cora for further assistance.

In case you want to raise a dispute and ask for a refund for the following reasons:

  1. you have been charged an incorrect amount
  2. you have been double charged
  3. you have been charged at the wrong frequency
  4. you have been charged after a subscription was stopped
  5. you have been charged outside the parameters you set for a VRP mandate

Please contact Cora for further assistance.

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