
Your Access Banking Appointment

Your Access Banking Appointment

What is Access Banking?

As your account(s) are on their way to recoveries and will become non-operational, we are giving you the option to open a basic bank account so that you can continue banking with us if you are not already banking elsewhere.

What to Expect

  • The appointment will last approximately 20 minutes, and it will be conducted by one of our fully trained team members
  • The call may be made from a withheld number
  • Your appointment will be within a 1 hour timeslot, and we will attempt to call you twice within that 1 hour window.
  • The key features of the Foundation Account functionality will be provided, however an overview can be located on our Foundation Account page.
  • Next steps and timelines will be confirmed

To enable a smooth and efficient call please can you have the following pieces of information to hand:

  • Current address information, and your previous address if you have lived at your current address less then 3 years
  • Your total monthly income (including any benefits, overtime, bonuses)
  • A brief summary of your monthly household spending
  • You'll find most of this information on your bank statements or by looking at your bank account online
  • You may wish to review your Standing Orders and/or Direct Debits online prior to the call, and cancel any that are no longer required. We can then discuss if/when you would like to move the remaining payments over to your new account

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