
Why can't I select Get Cash using my mobile app?

Why can't I select Get Cash using my mobile app?

There are a number of reasons that you are unable to use Get Cash:

  • You must have an active debit card for your account.
  • You are allowed to use Get Cash facility twice every 24 hours. If you have exceeded this then you must wait 24 hours to use this feature.
  • The amount that you can select cannot exceed £130 per 24 hours. If you have exceeded this then you must wait until the next working day to use this feature.
  • The limit must be within your daily withdrawal limit and includes withdrawals made using your debit card.
  • You must have at least £10 available funds to withdraw from your account (including any overdraft facility).
  • If we do not hold a correct mobile number for you then this feature is unavailable. Please check the mobile number held on your Digital Banking, under the 'Your details' section. You can update your mobile number on your Digital Banking using your card-reader.

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